HungaroMet: 2019. január 8. 17:43
DriDanube National Training and Consultation – 2018
In the frame of Workpackage 5 (WP5) of DriDanube project a national training, was organized for potential users on 3 December 2018 in Budapest hosted by the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ). After the training OMSZ organized a consultation with stakeholders about the optimal drought management. The events were led by Hungarian partners of DriDanube project (OMSZ and Szent István University - SZIE).
The main objective of the training was to disseminate applied methodologies, results of the DriDanube project and their use, educate potential end users in Hungary to use the outcomes more effectively. The aim of the dicussion was to generate discussion between national stakeholders who deals with drought, participate in drought management process to improve the preparedness of next drought events in Hungary. The national training and consultation was attended by 35 representatives from various sectors: water management, agriculture, and private sector, who can potentially use outputs of the project. Some participants came from government, authorities, universities, and non-profit organizations whose cooperation essential.
Zita BIHARI | DriDanube project: objectives and tasks | |
The DriDanube Drought Watch portal | |
Andrea KIRCSI |
National DriDanube Drought observer network | |
Method of drought risk calculation | |
Sándor SZALAI |
Recommendation for preparing an optimal drought management plan |
About DriDanube project you can ask more information on e-mail address.